ESG and Carbon Footprint Training Slides
At home- Energy and Cost Saving Tips UTILITIES Action – NO COST
Annual Saving
3 Year Saving
Reduce thermostat by 1⁰C
Doing larger loads of washing rather than multiple smaller loads is more energy efficient but be sure not to overfill. Check you can touch the top of the drum after filling with laundry.
Use cooler washes (20⁰C - 30⁰C) maximum 3 x a week
Descale washing machine 2x per year
Use ‘Eco’ Mode on applications where possible
Use full loads to save on number of washes
Use your tumble dryer sparingly and opt for the washing line/ clothes horse
Action – LOW COST
1 Year Saving
3 Year Saving
Install insulating boiler jacket
Service your boiler every autumnto ensure its running efficiently
Insulating tape to front and back doors
Use launderette facilities to dry large items (duvet covers, towels, throws etc) as their dryers are larger meaning your items will dry quicker and you can fit more in a single load
All information included on slides 7- 11 is taken from Planet Mark’s Personal Energy Saving Guide
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