pickledcucumber Ingredients •Half a cucumber •1 shallot, peeled •1 sprigdill, chopped •1 tbspgranulated sugar •Apinchof salt •150mlmalt vinegar •1 tspwholemustard seeds method 1. Slice the cucumber and shallot veryfinely and layer inaKilner ® ClipTop Jar. Scatterwith the dill. 2. Ina jug combine the sugar, salt, vinegar andmustard seeds then pour over the cucumber ensuring you leave 1.5cmheadspace. 3. Wipe the rimof yourKilner ® Jar and seal. Process your Kilner ® Jars (please visit our sectiononprocessing your jars for information). Allow tomature for 4weeks ina cool anddry place.
SUGGESTED JARS 2 x 0.35 Litre Kilner ® ClipTop Jars or 0.5 Litre Kilner ® Preserve Jars
TopTip: Always use the freshest producewhichhas beencleaned thoroughly
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