170 US fl oz Fermentation Set

This generous 170 US fl oz capacity jar allows you to create bigger batches of delicious, fermented foods packed with added vitamins, minerals and probiotic cultures The silicone lid with air lock, allows gases to be released but does not allow air to enter the jar during the fermentation process The clever design of the silicone sheet and glass weight, ensures that the contents are submerged under the brine to prevent any spoilage

Check out our handy “How-to” video on YouTube

Reinforced packaging suitable for online

170 US fl oz Fermentation Set Set Contains: 1 x 170 US fl oz Kilner ® Fermenting Jar 1 x Air Lock 1 x Silicone Lid 1 x Silicone Weight 1 x Glass Weight 1 x Recipe Booklet

H 14.45” x W 7.72” D 7.73”. 170 US fl oz Gift Box

0025 069U • CASE PACK 2

Add the ingredients and brine to the jar leaving 3" head space from the top

Place the silicone & glass weight on top of the vegetables ensuring all food is submerged

Place the silicone lid onto the jar then secure the airlock into position

Add water to the airlock to make the jar airtight


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