Kilner Create Make Demo Guide 2021
MATERIALS REQUIRED Kilner • Kilner® Fermentation Set (0025.839) • Kilner® 34 fl oz Square Clip Top Jar (0025.511) • Kilner® Healthy Kitchen Guides to hand out (6500.107U) • Kilner® Healthy Kitchen Guide Dispenser to display guides (6505.026U) Other (no competitor brands) • 1 Sharp utility Knife (Viners) • 1 Large bowl (Mason Cash) • 1 Wooden spoon (Mason Cash) • 1 Kitchen tongs • Cleaning cloth to clean rim of jar • Paper cups (for tasting samples) • Food-safe disposable gloves (for serving samples) • Viners or wooden forks/ spoons (for tasting samples) Groceries Required • 3 Medium heads of fresh cabbage (pre-sliced will also work) • 9 tbsp Sea salt • 48 fl oz or 3 Bottles of water Notes It is recommended that you hand out samples of pre-prepared fermented food like Aunt Nellie’s Sweet and Sour Cabbage if the store permits (please check directly with the buyer or store you are demonstrating at). If you are able to hand out a sample then please ensure you have small paper cups to hold the samples and Viners or wooden forks/spoons to try with (please do not use plastic as we want to ensure we are showcasing how important reducing plastic waste is to our brand).
Give an overview of what fermentation is:
Explain the benefits of fermented food: • They are great for good gut health! Fermented foods are rich in probiotic bacteria so by consuming fermented foods you are adding beneficial bacteria and enzymes to your body, increasing the health of your gut and digestive system and enhancing the immune system. • Fermenting your own produce will save you money - don’t waste money on purchasing expensive premade ferments. Buy fresh seasonal produce in bulk from a farmers market or grow your own then turn it in to a delicious ferment that can last for months. • You know exactly what ingredients are in the things you and your family are eating.
• Fermentation is one of the oldest and most basic forms of preserving food. Fruits and vegetables contain natural bacteria that, when deprived of air, can inhibit the growth of other microbes that would cause spoilage. During the fermentation process, these natural bacteria convert the carbohydrates and sugars in whole food items into an acid which then becomes the ideal environment to preserve that food.
DEMONSTRATION INSTRUCTIONS Step 1 Place your thinly sliced cabbage in to your bowl and sprinkle with salt. Step 2 Using the wooden spoon bash the cabbage for around 8-10 minutes or until there is enough natural brine to cover the cabbage. Step 3 Using your kitchen tongs, pack the cabbage in to the Kilner® Fermentation Set Jar, leaving a 2.5 inch headspace and then add in the liquid. If the liquid does not cover the cabbage, create a brine solution by combining 2 tbsp Sea Salt to 34 US fl oz of water then add this to the jar. The cabbage should be completely covered by at least 1cm of the salt brine. Step 4 Add the Kilner® Ceramic Stones on top of the cabbage, ensuring all of the cabbage is submerged below the liquid. Note: The ceramic stones are designed to weigh down the cabbage and ensures the anaerobic process can begin. Step 5 Clean the rim of the jar removing any debris. Seal the jar with the lid, air lock and bung. Fill the air lock with water and advise the audience that you then need to leave the contents to ferment at room temperature for 4 – 6 weeks.
Notes Advise that after 2 weeks it is
recommended to taste the sauerkraut every couple of days until the desired taste is achieved. Once happy the sauerkraut can be transferred in to Kilner® Jars (such as the Kilner® 34 fl oz Square Clip Top Jar) and stored for one month in the fridge.
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