The sizes of Mason Cash Mixing Bowls were used historically to refer to how many could fit on a shelf in a kiln when manufacturing. There’s a bowl size to suit any task. The size 4 is designed for large batches of dough, whereas a size 24 is ideal for cookie dough. The size 12 is a good all-rounder for bread, pastry or cake mixes.
Size 4 Mixing Bowl H 6.75" x Dia 14" 340 fl oz /10.5 qt Earthenware. Label 2001.001 • CASE PACK 2
Size 6 Mixing Bowl H 6.5" x Dia 13.75" 200 fl oz / 6.35 qt Earthenware. Label 2001.002 • CASE PACK 3
Size 9 Mixing Bowl H 5.75" x Dia 12.5" 170 fl oz / 5.3 qt Earthenware. Label 2001.003 • CASE PACK 3
Size 12 Mixing Bowl H 5.5" x Dia 11.75" 135 fl oz / 4.25 qt Earthenware. Label 2001.004 • CASE PACK 3
Size 18 Mixing Bowl H 4.75" x Dia 11" 90 fl oz / 2.85 qt Earthenware. Label 2001.005 • CASE PACK 3
Size 24 Mixing Bowl H 4.25" x Dia 9.75" 70 fl oz / 2.15 qt Earthenware. Label 2001.006 • CASE PACK 3
Size 30 Mixing Bowl H 4" x Dia 8.25" 37 fl oz / 1.15 qt Earthenware. Label 2001.007 • CASE PACK 3
Batter Bowl H 5" x W 7.5" x D 9.75" 70 fl oz / 2 qt Stoneware. Swing Ticket 2001.109 • CASE PACK 4
Food Preparation Bowls Individual: H 2" x Dia 4". 5.9 fl oz. 0.18 qt
Sleeve: H 1.9" x W 7.9" x D 9" Set of 4. Stoneware. Sleeve 2001.126 • CASE PACK 6
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