claSSic teaPotS Full of charm and character, the Classic Teapot collection encompasses time- honoured style and versatility. Ideal for tea drinkers who want a great quality, everyday teapot that will perfectly complement their kitchen for years to come. Made from fine, quality stoneware and a gloss glaze. Dishwasher and microwave safe.

teaPot caPacitieS

2 cuP 450ml

6 cuP

10 cuP

16 fl oz 1100ml

39 fl oz 1500ml

53 fl oz

gloSS blacK teaPot 2 Cup

gloSS cream teaPot 2 Cup

0056.745 • CTN 3

0056.746 • CTN 3

gloSS blacK teaPot 6 Cup

gloSS cream teaPot 6 Cup

0056.753 • CTN 3

0056.754 • CTN 3

rocKingHam teaPot 2 Cup

rocKingHam teaPot 6 Cup

rocKingHam teaPot 10 Cup

0056.715 • CTN 3

0056.718 • CTN 3

0056.721 • CTN 3

WHite teaPot 2 Cup

WHite teaPot 6 Cup

WHite teaPot 10 Cup

0056.716 • CTN 3

0056.719 • CTN 3

0056.722 • CTN 3

All include labels.


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