Typhoon Homewares is the creative home of a group of British heritage brands with products that span both the housewares and tabletop industries. Our brands consisting of Kilner ® , Mason Cash, Typhoon, Viners and Price & Kensington are designed and developed in the United Kingdom with our US customers in mind. Throughout the years our business has grown, but our aim has remained the same; to offer a wide variety of choice to reflect emerging trends, exciting colors and well-designed quality products with good value price points. Every product is manufactured to the company’s own exclusive design and specification, and all products are packaged to a high standard, ensuring attractive retail displays and rapid sales. We have a fully operational distribution center in the USA which holds inventory on all our brands ready to serve you. There is a nationwide network of sales representatives supported by our sales team based in our showroom in the iconic 41 Madison Avenue building in New York. We look forward to welcoming you to the world of Typhoon Homewares.

CONTENTS Kilner ® 6 - 69 Mason Cash 70 - 117 Typhoon 118 - 165 Price & Kensington 166 - 177 Viners 178 - 223

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