C O L O R M I X Batter Bowls

The Color Mix Batter Bowls are large enough to whisk and mix ingredients together, and includes a lip and handle for when you are ready to pour. The Batter Bowls feature the iconic diamond emboss pattern seen on our distinctive Cane Mixing Bowl and come in a vibrant red or refreshing cream color.

Cream Batter Bowl H 5.1" x W 9.8" x D 7.5". 67.6 fl oz / 2.11 qt Cream. Earthenware. Label 2001.795 • CASE PACK 4

Red Batter Bowl H 5.1" x W 9.8" x D 7.5". 67.6 fl oz / 2.11 qt

Red. Earthenware. Label 2001.799 • CASE PACK 4


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