Typhoon Homewares - Grocery Presentation


The Kilne r® bus ine s s wa s firs t e s tablis hed by J ohn Kilne r in 1842 in Yorks hire , England. Initia lly producing gla s s bottle s and ja rs , the origina l Kilne r® J a r is a much loved and s ucce s s ful now a s it wa s 177 ye a rs ago. Hous eholds a ll ove r the world trus t Kilne r® products to s ucce s s fully pre s e rve and pickle the ir fruit and vege table s . A s urge in popula rity for canning home - grown fruit and vege table s , and s toring food in ja rs ra the r than pla s tic for its he a lth bene fits , ha s a ls o ca tapulted the Kilne r® J a r into the lime light. We unde rs tand the cha llenge s of ma rke ting our Kilne r® brand and products in s uch a compe titive indus try and work ha rd to te ll the unique s tory of the Kilne r® brand and products in a loca lized manne r. With s o much compe tition on wha t cons ume rs s e e and s o many me s s age s a cros s s ocia l media and within s tore s , we have deve loped s ome cre a tive te chniques which he lp make our products and brand s tand out.


The importance of seasonal storytelling and campaigns is what helps Kilner® to stay relevant to our followers and reach new audiences. We plan our seasonal messages in advance and work closely with our in-house photographer/videographer and brand team to deliver high-quality content, based on the story we are trying to tell. Our in-house studio allows us to recreate different themes and we occasionally organize on-location shoots, to be sure that we are getting varied content that is appealing across our online and offline channels. We work closely with our partners in the US and around the world, to ensure that they are able to recreate the same high quality seasonal imagery following the same style we have developed, but with a local twist.


Sustainability & Conscious Choices

This topic is huge right now and is one of the main messages across our brands that we have to share with our consumers. We are working with a variety of influencers from bloggers to authors, to celebrities to help us spread the message. We speak directly with our audience through website landing pages, newsletters, social media, in-store POS, marketing collateral, photography, videos and PR activity. We have a dedicated Glass vs Plastic landing page on our Kilner® website to highlight the advantages of our products and we are continually developing new content around this topic such as plastic-free supermarkets, reduction in single-use plastic consumption, the impact of plastics on our environment, tips on how to cut down your plastic usage and recommended products that will help the consumer achieve their sustainable living goals. We are perfectly positioned to educate and influence our followers.



PRODUCT DETAIL The luxury glass canning jar with traditional Kilner® styling feature a very easy to use metal screw top lid made up of 2 pieces, a replaceable vacuum seal and a metal screw band to secure the seal. Ideal for canning fruits, jellies and pickling. Available in three sizes: 0025.402 – 8.5 fl oz – Cost price $1.50 / MSRP $3.00 0025.400 – 17 fl oz – Cost price $1.75 / MSRP $3.50 0025.401 – 34 fl oz – Cost price $2.50 / MSRP $5.00 Replacement screw bands & seals available as a separate item code.


PRODUCT DETAIL The Kilner® Wide Mouth Canning Jars are perfect for canning whole fruits and vegetables as the wider opening allows for easy filling. Incorporating an easy to use metal screw top lid made up of two pieces: a replaceable vacuum seal and a metal screw band to secure the seal. Featuring embossed volume indicators on the side of the jar. Available in two sizes: 0025.888 – 12 fl oz – Cost price $2.00 / MSRP $4.00 0025.898 – 17 fl oz – Cost price $2.25 / MSRP $4.50


PRODUCT DETAIL The Kilner® Vintage Jars have a ribbed glass design, giving a glamourous, vintage-style to homemade canning creations. Features very easy to use metal screw top lid made up of 2 pieces, a replaceable vacuum seal and a metal screw band to secure the seal. Available in two sizes: 0025.706 – 8.5 fl oz – Cost price $1.75 / MSRP $3.50 0025.707 – 17 fl oz – Cost price $2.00 / MSRP $4.00


PRODUCT DETAIL The Kilner® Fruit Preserve Jars are a fun and fashionable way to serve jam and jellies. The two unique shapes of Strawberry and Tomato will add style to any breakfast or dining table. Perfect for storing and serving jams and chutneys. Capacity: 13.5 fl oz Available in two styles: 0025.582 – Strawberry – Cost price $2.00 / MSRP $4.00 0025.583 –Tomato– Cost price $2.00 / MSRP $4.00



These Kilner® Made in England range are perfect for canning, serving condiments and storing dried fruit and herbs. Each item comes complete with a coated pressure seal lid designed to make home canning easy.

Made in England from high quality, 30% recycled glass.

0025.970 Hexagonal Jar 1.5 fl oz – Cost price $0.75 / MSRP $1.50 0025.971 Hexagonal Jar 9.5 fl oz – Cost price $1.50 / MSRP $3.00 0025.972 Hexagonal Bottle 8.5 fl oz – Cost price $1.50 /MSRP $3.00 0025.973 Round Twist Top Jar 7.7 fl oz – Cost price $1.50 / MSRP $3.00 0025.974 Round Jar 24 fl oz – Cost price $2.00 / MSRP $4.00 0025.975 Round Jar 12 fl oz – Cost price $1.75 / MSRP $3.50 0025.976 Round Jar 9 fl oz – Cost price $1.75 MSRP $3.50


Kilner® A5 Canning Mini Guide 6500.090

Kilner® A5 Mini Guide Dispenser 6500.090

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