Throughout the years, Viners has made quality and innovative design a top priority with the material used to make the cutlery of great importance. During this time, the brand has changed from one material to another, listening to the needs of its customers. Today, Viners has two different types of cutlery: 18.10 and 18.0, which reflect the percentages of chromium to nickel in the stainless steel. Whilst chromium gives cutlery its rust-resistant properties and robust durability, nickel is used to enhance corrosion resistance and provide a stunning silver shine. The higher the nickel content the more lustrous the finish, 18.10 ranges are perfect for special occasion cutlery and keepsake gifts, whereas 18.0 collections are ideal for everyday use, without compromising on design and quality. From their studio in Liverpool, the in-house design team work over a year in advance, monitoring the latest trends, before developing, trialling and remodelling new ranges until the final design is ready for production. It’s this passion for exceptional design and appreciation for quality materials that keeps Viners close to the nation’s heart. Great British Design
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