

Smoothie Making Set....................... 4 Sourdough Starter Set..................... 6 Yoghurt Making Set ......................... 8 Set of 4 Fermentation Accessories ....10 SiliconeFermentationLid&Air Lock . 12 Stainless Steel Tap ................................14 Snack andStore Pots..................... 16 Setof 2Oil Bottles andMetal Rack . 18 Syrup Dispenser............................. 20


Smoothie Making Set

The Kilner ® Smoothie Making Set makes it incredibly easy to create homemade smoothies, iced tea, juices or other cold drinks. Allowing you to be in control of all the ingredients in your drinks.

The uniquely designed silicone splash guard prevents spills during blending. Once the smoothie is ready, simply removeand replace the splash guardwith the silicone lid, capandscrewband.Then it’s ready tobecarried or consumed.

The durable stainless steel straw has a wide opening suitable for thicker mixtures. The innovative silicone holder will keep the straw in place when not in use.

A step-by-step booklet is included with how-to-use instructions and a recipe.


Smoothie Making Set Set Contains: 1x0.5LitreKilner ® WideMouthJar

1 x SiliconeLid 1 x Silicone Cap

1 x Silicone Splash Guard 1 x Silicone Straw Holder 1x Stainless Steel Smoothie Straw 1 x Screw Band 1 x Recipe Booklet

H 19 x W 14 x D 11 cm. 0.5 ltr Gift Box

0025.036 • CTN 6 - £6.25


Check out our handy “How-to” video on YouTube

Silicone splashguard preventsspillsduring blending.

Silicone lid with cap for use on-the-go.

Silicone straw holder secures stainless steel straw in place.

Ml and fl oz indicators.


Sourdough Starter Set

The Kilner ® Sourdough Starter Set contains all components needed to make a successful sourdough starter, which will then be transformed into a fresh and delicious sourdough loaf.

Pancakes, naan breads, pizza and other baked goods can also be made from the sourdough starter.

Two jars are included in the set allowing a second batch to be created whilst the first batch is in use. The stainless steel measuring lid has been specially designed to measure out flour and water precisely, making it incredibly easy to maintain a successful starter. The step-by-step booklet with ‘how to’ instructions, guides you through the seven-day process.


Sourdough Starter Set Set Contains:

2 x 0.35 LitreKilner ® Wide Mouth Jars 1xStainless Steel MeasuringLid

1 x Silicone Spatula 1 x Stainless Steel Lid 2 x Rubber Bands 6 x Labels 1 x Recipe Booklet

H 23 x W15 x D 10 cm. 0.35 ltr Gift Box

0025.035 • CTN 6 - £6.69


Check out our handy “How-to” video on YouTube

Measuring lid measures ingredients precisely.

Silicone spatula mixes ingredients and scrapes excess mixture from the jar walls.

Rubber bands measure the progress of the sourdough starter.

Labelskeep trackof the sourdoughstarter, recordingdates and times.


Yoghurt Making Set

The Kilner ® Yoghurt Making Set is perfect for making fresh, delicious dairy and plant-based yoghurts. Creating homemade yoghurt is made easy with this set, ready to consume after only 10 hours.

The thermometer enables you to monitor the temperature of the mixture during the initial heating stage, whilst the specifically designed neoprene insulating pouch maintains room temperature for the contents inside the jar during the process. 0.5 litres of fresh, creamy yoghurt can be made, which can then be flavoured with a variety of ingredients such as fruit, honey and granola. The 0.25 litre jar included in theset can be used todecant into smaller portions once the yoghurt is complete.

A step-by-step booklet is included with illustrated instructions and a suggested recipe.


Yoghurt Making Set Set Contains: 1x0.5LitreKilner ® WideMouthJar 1 x 0.25 Litre Kilner ® Jar 1 x Insulating Pouch 1 x Stainless Steel Thermometer 2 x Metal Lids 1 x Recipe Booklet

H 22 xW 12 x D 15 cm. 0.5 ltr Gift Box

0025.037 • CTN 6 - £8.14


Check out our handy “How-to” video on YouTube

Let the milk cool to 43-46°C (110-115 °F) then add to jar. Add live yoghurt.

Flavour, then place inside the Insulating Pouch for 8-10 hours.

0.25litre/ 8USfl oz jar to decant individual portion.

Add milk to a pan. Using the thermometer, heat the milk to 80-82°C (180 °F).


Check out our handy “How-to” video on YouTube


Set of 2 Fermentation Jar Set

The Kilner ® Fermentation Jar Set provides the easy way to create smaller batches of your own delicious fermented foods packed with vitamins, minerals and probiotic cultures.

Thesiliconevalve in theKilner ® 1LitrePreserveJarLidwill release the gas thatbuildsup inside the jar during the fermentation process. However, the atmospheric air will not enter the jar, which usually causes food to spoil.

The glass weights sit on top of the vegetables to ensure that they are kept under the brine solution. Perfect for creating live cultures of sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and much more.

Creating your own fermented foods is straight forward, just add your favourite vegetables, water and salt.

Set of 2 Fermentation Jar Set Set Contains: 2 x 1 Litre Kilner ® Preserve Jars 2 x Stainless Steel Lids with Silicone Air Lock Valve

2 x Silicone Rings 2xOne-PieceLids 2 xGlassWeights 1 x Recipe Booklet H 18.5 x W 24 x D 10 cm Gift Box

0025.010 • CTN 6 - £7.66

Set of 4 Fermentation Accessories TheKilner ® FermentationAccessories are specially designed tobe usedwith theKilner ® Preserve Jars. The silicone valve integrated in the fermentation lidwill release the gas that builds up inside the jar during the fermenting process but does not allow air to enter. The glass weights have been designed to weigh down the foods inside the jar, keeping it below the water level, preventing the foods from drying out.

These lids and weights will fit the 0.25 Litre / 0.5 Litre / 1 Litre Preserve Jars.


Set of 4 Fermentation Accessories Set Contains:

2 x Kilner ® Fermentation Lids 2 x Kilner ® Glass Weights H 12 x W 14 x D 4 cm Gift Box

0025.038 • CTN 12 - £4.84


Check out our handy “How-to” video on YouTube

New & improved silicone lid


Fermentation Set The Kilner ® Fermentation Set provides an easy way to make delicious fermented foods packed with vitamins, minerals and probiotic cultures. Perfect for creating live cultures of sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and much more. Creating fermented foods is straight-forward, just add your favourite vegetables, water and salt. Recipes and how-to leaflet included.

Fermentation Set Set Contains: 1 x 3 LitreKilner ® Fermenting Jar 1 x SiliconeLid 1 x Airlock

2 x Ceramic Stones 1xRecipeBooklet H32 xDia 17cm Gift Box

0025.839 • CTN 4 - £11.35

Silicone Fermentation Lid & Air Lock

TheKilner ® SiliconeFermentationLid&AirLock isspecially designedtobeusedwitha3 litreKilner ® Jar.

The lid is made from premium silicone and combines an air lock which in turn creates an anaerobic atmosphere which is perfect for fermenting foods.

The air lock allows gases to be released from the fermenting foods, but does not allowair to enter the jar.Air entering the jar fromoutsidecancause the food tospoil.Addingthe fermentation lid toaKilner ® Jarmeansthat you can make probiotic-rich foods at home.


Silicone Fermentation Lid & Air Lock H 12 x W 16 x D 4 cm Gift Box

0025.039 • CTN 12 - £3.97



Stainless Steel Drinks Dispenser Tap

Made from high quality stainless steel which is durable and robust. Suitable for the existing Kilner ® 5 litre and 8 litre drinks dispensers.

Easy to use and install. Perfect for catering, parties and serving a variety of drinks.


Stainless Steel Tap H 18 x W 11 cm Fits 3, 5&8 LitreKilner ® Drinks Dispensers Header Card

0025.029 • CTN 12 - £5.53

Checkoutourhandy “How-to Install” video onYouTube


Snack and StorePots TheKilner ® Setof2SnackandStorePotsare idealforstoringand transportingseeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables and condiments for lunches and snacks on-the-go. Great for adding strawberries to your overnight oats at work or storing half an onion in the fridge as they are odour-free, saving on foodwaste and reducing the need for plastic alternatives. The easy, push-on silicone lids are watertight, leak-proof and also stackable, perfect for saving storage space. The sets include two different coloured lids which along with the jars are dishwasher safe.



Snack and Store Pots Set Contains: 2xKilner ® 125ml Jars 2 x Kilner ® Silicone Lids H6.5xW8xD9cm.125ml Sleeve

0025.024 • CTN 6 - £3.02

Perfect for lunch bags.

Easy, push-on lids.



Set of 2 Oil Bottles & Metal Rack TheKilner ® Setof2Bottles&MetalRack isperfectforcreatingasmarthomedisplay foroilsandvinegars. Included in theset isametalwirestandwithhandleswhichneatlyholdsbothbottles, alongwithpourer attachments allowing an easy, drip freepour.


Capacity indicators in ml and US fl oz on sides of bottles


Set of 2 Oil Bottles & Metal Rack Set Contains:

2 x 0.6 LitreKilner ® Bottles 2 x Stainless Steel Pourers 1 x Metal Rack H 20 xW 29 x D 11 cm. 0.6 ltr Gift box

0025.028 • CTN 6 - £5.37



Syrup Dispenser The Kilner ® Syrup Dispenser has an innovative silicone lid which easily dispenses honey and syrups with no drips. The silicone covered handle enables a firm grip while pouring. Ideal for desserts, pancakes and breakfasts. A great addition to the table for home hosting and serving. Also suitable for flavoured syrups like chocolate or toffee. Silicone pouring lid, sleeve and glass base are dishwasher safe.

Check out our handy “How-to” video on YouTube


Syrup Dispenser Set Contains: 1 x 0.4 Litre Kilner ® Honey Pot Jar

1xKilner ® SiliconePouringLidwithThumbTrigger 1 xStainless Steel HandlewithSilicone Sleeve

H 10 xW 12 x D 12 cm. 0.4 ltr Gift Box

0025.026 • CTN 6 - £4.72






26-32SpitfireRoad,TriumphTradingPark, SpekeHallRoad,Liverpool, L249BF,England Tel : +44 (0)151 486 1888 Fax : +44 (0)151 486 1467

Email : Order online : www.rayware www .kilnerjar .co .uk

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