TREND REPORT 2022-23 Internal Handout
• Reduced daily travelling into our cities means they are quieter places than before the pandemic. Changes in working rhythms have combined with rediscovered home pleasures to mean ever more time spent in the home . • Creating a workable ‘life space’ is ever more important, being able to transition rooms from a work place to a social space has seen a rise in multi function furniture and smarter storage options. • Homes are no-longer a base to return to, they are a place to inhabit and enjoy. Focusing the use of the space we have for function and fun . • Home scents are growing in popularity, for example incenses and candles designed to enhance your dining experience through smell. Life-space Living with the ‘Doughnut Effect’
Staying home A Homebody Economy
Close by Local goods for global good
• With fewer commutes to work, families have more time together at the breakfast table and it seems that there is a rise in the popularity of dishes to start the day. • Using the outdoors and entertaining in green space continues apace. However outdoors is not just about eating, Hot tubs are increasingly popular pointing toward a desire to make much more of the space we have available. • More time at home also means more time for companions, pets continue to be a huge growth area for consumer focus, with pet collars now forming part of the ONS basket of consumer goods. • A focus on the art and exploration of cooking has seen a great increase in the sale of cookware, where consumers are willing to invest.
• Interest in local produce , low in food miles while supporting a close to home economy is ever increasing. • With home grown produce comes the joy of seasonality, celebrating its opportunities by rediscovering forgotten favourites or ‘ new-old’ flavours . • It’s not about veganism, its climatarianism . How far has produce come, how is it produced and what impact have they had.... Today’s consumers are much more aware. • Having reserves & stocking up is on the increase, driven by an experience of scarcity, as well as cost saving bulk purchases, this new inventory must now be stored.
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